The Plot: Kuba (Mateusz Banasiuk) is a professional swimmer
who discovers his homosexuality and falls in love with Michal (Bartosz Gelner).
His girlfriend Sylwia (Marta Nieradkiewicz) don’t want to let go of him, even
if that makes both unhappy.
The cast: Mateusz Banasiuk is a sexy
hot guy and delivers the goods as Kuba. At his side, Bartosz Gelner is truthful as the delicate sweet Michal and Marta
Nieradkiewicz is as irritating as her character should be.
The Movie: When a 93 minutes movie
feels like a two hour one, it isn’t a good sign. But that’s what happens here.
Director Tomasz Wasilewski seems to be so in love with Mateusz Banasiuk naked body and face that his camera lingers on him for
long moments. Unfortunately, although Banasiuk is good to look at, that doesn’t
help the story. It gives the movie a slow pace that turns what could have been
an intense gay drama into a boring one. The idea that the girlfriend wants him
no matter what could have been dramatically more explored and it should make us
hate her. Anyway, it has its moments; the two guys real connect and make us
believe in their passion.
My Rate: 3 (from 1 to 10)
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