The Plot: Cibrâil is a young policeman who lives
with his girlfriend in Berlin. One day a cousin of her visits them and stays at
their home for a few weeks. Suddenly, Cibrâil starts to feel attracted to him.
The cast: In the title role, the cute Sinan
Hancili expresses his strange feelings with his eyes and we can fill his
struggle with his emerging homosexuality. As the cousin, Engin Sert is a nice
sexy bear. The desire they feel for each other is believable.
The Movie: A gay movie where one of the
characters is a policeman always has my attention. Director Tor Iben seems to
be in love with Sinan Hanciili’s face and shoots it from every possible angle,
which sometimes slows the action. In fact, the story takes a while to really
start, but when it does it has a couple of sensual sex scenes that look very
natural. Personally, I would have liked
to see a bit more of sex instead of the irrelevant police work.
My Rate: 5
(from 1 to 10)
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